[SOLVED] Building database for X-Plane 10 stuck on "Preparing database <...>"

Started by intelfx, January 06, 2014, 12:33:27 PM

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My setup is:
- X-Plane 10 on Linux
- Windows 7 with Plan-G running in VirtualBox

I created a network drive in VirtualBox pointing to the X-Plane 10 installation (to make Plan-G recognize the folder, I additionally unpacked X-Plane.exe into the directory). So, I set X-Plane directory in Plan-G, pressed "Build navigation database" and... it's stuck.

I'm seeing the "Preparing database for new data // Processing, please wait" for 30 minutes.
What can be done?


Ok, I solved it. The problem was that "My Documents" folder was also networked (to be shared with the Linux system).
After moving "My Documents" to C:, database building proceeded.

However, it crashed in the end, so I'm creating another topic... :)

tim arnot

Yes, it really doesn't like  relative links in some paths. This will hopefully be fixed in 3.1.

Tim. @TimArnot