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FSX Connection to Plan G ver 3++

Started by evans3588, January 23, 2014, 01:55:11 AM

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I had to rebuild FSX and after doing so FSX works great but not with plan g. I built the data base as instructed but I can't get FSX to connect with plan g. SimConnect doesn't work but use to and connecting via FSUIPC shows it is connected however there is no yellow airplane or any other indication that the two are connected other than the fact it shows it is connected. I must have something set up wrong but I can't figure it out.  Maybe some one out there can help.

tim arnot

Make sure you have "Show user aircraft" selected in Settings.

Tim. @TimArnot


I did as you suggested but it didn't make a difference. The next step was to un-install both Plan-G and FSX including deleting the Microsoft Flight Simulator X Folder inside if Microsoft Games. I reinstalled everything very carefully and in the end it all worked as it was supposed too. I guess there was a corrupt file in the FSX Microsoft FlightSimulator X folder that caused the connection problem. To make things work I have to connect via the Simconnect option in Plan-G. Trying to connect via FSUIPC doesn't work. Thanks for your help.