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FS2004 : Internet flight via IP

Started by Pilou50, August 02, 2014, 04:00:05 PM

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I fly via Internet on FS9 with another virtual pilot between US and EU. While he has Wide FS and FSuipc and is registered, do we need to be both independently registered to see each other? Otherwise, what type of arrangement protocol needs to be followed? Thanks in advance for any tip.

tim arnot

You need to be in multiplayer mode, either using the FS built in multiplayer, or an external system, such as VATSIM.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hosting a multiplayer connection with my IP, my aircraft is shown on Plan-G3 but not the aircraft of another guest using my session...
I use registered a version of FSUIPC and WideFS (for FS9).
What's wrong?


tim arnot

Do you have AIBridge installed? It's needed to get AI into FSUIPC sometimes. Get it from the FSUIPC site.

Tim. @TimArnot


thanks, I will test it (although I never needed it in the past 10 years) but it's hard to find on the web... the link on the Dowson's
FSUIPC site is dead and a lot other I got from Google search (for AIBridge 2.1 or even 3) as well. It seems to be totally obsolete!

tim arnot

Are you using multiplayer host software - such as FSHost or FSInn? Both these programs have settings ("TCAS") that inhibit the display of AI.

In general:

if FSUIPC sends the data to Plan-G, Plan-G will display it.
If  FSUIPC receives the data, it sends it on to Plan-G

If there's nothing displayed, the problem is normally upstream of FSUIPC, since no display = no data.

Tim. @TimArnot


The situation is the following:

I am the player A, and I'm virtually flying with Player B. We use both FS2004 and FSUIPC, and connect our PCs over IP, no other host software. Sometimes I host the session or he is the host and I am the guest. Everything worked well in the past. And we used the FlightNavigator many years and could see each other on the map (aircraft with speed, altitude, etc.)

In the last years, I don't know why (change FS2002 -> FS2004, or firewall prefs or port issue?), only the host could see both players on the FSNavigator & the other player only his own aircraft. In oder to enhance the situation we both installed Plan-G3 and I licensed WideFS so we hoped to see both planes again but as we recently tried, it did not work (each of us can only see his own aircraft).  No clue why.

I hope I was clear enough â€" that's the issue I try to solve.

tim arnot

I'll draw your attention to this discussion from 2010:

If you had it working before, then you must have had AIBridge or a similar utility installed.

Tim. @TimArnot