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Cannot build the DB (X-plane 10.30)

Started by sky one, September 30, 2014, 07:39:44 AM

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sky one

an X-Plane Italian Forum's user have a problem building the DB: he bought X-Plane on Steam, uploaded to version 10.30 and tried plan-G last build (.94) but there's no way to create the DB (even executing Plan-G in "Run as Administrator" mode). I found a little error in the log file:
<.ctor>b__0: System.InvalidOperationException: Impossibile impostare la proprietà Owner per un elemento Window chiuso.
   in System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)
   in Plan_G3.Views.BuildDatabaseView.<.ctor>b__0(NotificationMessage`1 nm)

but I don't know neither if it could be related nor how to solve it.
O/S is Windows 7 x64.

Thanks in advance

PS: me and some other user have no problem building the DB with X-Plane 10.30, so it not seems related to a Plan-G and XP version 10.30 interaction.
X-plane user

tim arnot

You could have him try the .97 test build - it addresses a number of dialog issues, and may fix this one.

Tim. @TimArnot

sky one

X-plane user

sky one

Hello Tim,
same error with build 97.

X-plane user

sky one

Hi Tim,
the user discovered the trick by himself  :)
The problem seems into the path: it's how if Steam uses the slash instead of the backslash even in a Windows environment:
22:05:36.3 Building database for X-Plane. Folder is: C:\Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 10/
The problem, if I understood well what the user told me, is that if you "browse" to the X-plane's exe, the DB is not generated, but if you write the path as above, it works.  :o

I attach the logfile just in case it could be helpful for you.

X-plane user

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: sky one on September 30, 2014, 09:36:55 PM
Hi Tim,
the user discovered the trick by himself  :)
The problem seems into the path: it's how if Steam uses the slash instead of the backslash even in a Windows environment:
22:05:36.3 Building database for X-Plane. Folder is: C:\Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 10/
The problem, if I understood well what the user told me, is that if you "browse" to the X-plane's exe, the DB is not generated, but if you write the path as above, it works.  :o

I attach the logfile just in case it could be helpful for you.

Thanks this worked for me as I also have the steam version.