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Windows Save/Open/Browse Windows not appearing

Started by Bronco78th, March 15, 2015, 07:21:27 PM

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Hi Tim,

Ive just downloaded and Installed Plan-G ona Windows 7 Machine.

I managed to get the database built and created my first flight plan.

However I can't seem to save the flight plan. The Save as window is simply not opening, so I can't save anything. same with the Open file Window.

I tried reinstalling again and when you select to manurally locate the database files the Browse buttons for each item also don't work...however the AddButton (to locate additional files) Does open the Windows browser window.

Any ideas whats going on?




tim arnot

Can you attach the log file (Plan-G Files\Plan-G_Log.txt). Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Thanks.  I've done some searching around the web, and this is not an unknown problem in a number of programs - at least there are quite a few people asking how to solve it. But no one has answers. Just, on some machines calls to ShowDialog fail for no apparent reason. It's rare, but that's no consolation if it happens to you.

Can you try something for me? Before running Plan-G, change your Windows locale to English (UK or US doesn't matter). This will change number formatting, dates and so on. Then when you run Plan-G, if the dialog still doesn't open, we have at least eliminated localisation as the cause (or conversely identified it). Then let me know how you get on?

Tim. @TimArnot



I changed what you asked me to do but the problem is not resolved.  :(

tim arnot

Ok thanks. It eliminates that as a cause. Unfortunately 3.1.1 already has all the suggestions that Google turns up implemented, so I'm no wiser at this stage as to what could be the problem..

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi All and Mr.Arnot

I had the same problem.
It mights be that my solution could help to everybody.
So I have Win7 and Save Export Load did not work after Plan-G installation.
I got ShowDialog() = false.
What I have done:
1) I updated Framework .Net (it was no effect after that)
2) I activated the option "to start as administrator" (no effects again)
3) I activated "compatibility with Windows XP SP3" option.
OOOPS. It works now! Dialog's windows are opened.

This is from my Log-file.
21:41:50.3 Calling ShowDialog() C:\Users\Penguin\Documents\Plan-G Files

Best Regards,
Dr. Balashov


I had the same problem with an unrelated program. After I got that program working under Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode I change to Windows 7 compatibility mode and that works too.

Apparently a default setting is not properly initialized, but I did not research that any further.

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


Hey guys, sorry about very late reply. Been a V.Busy week.

I got this fixed not long after making this post, I reinstalled Sim connect and possibly the Microsoft Framework and after that I seem to have had no problems since.

