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Discrepency between PlanG and FSX for Courchevelle airport

Started by gaab, April 16, 2015, 01:48:25 PM

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Sorry to report this discrepency. I rebuilt the database to be sure it was not linked to scenery modification.
PlanG gives  Lat 45,39833, Lon: 6,62717  (N 45°23' 53.99" - E 6°37'38.39")

The same airport is seen by VfrFlight on the right spot (N 45°24'5.6" - E 6°37'28.7")...

Let me know if I can help to address the problem.

My configuration : Window 7 64 bits, FSX acceleration, FTX Global, OpenLC Eu, FTX Vector, REX4 with Soft clouds, DX10 scenery fixer.
On the area concerned Mesh Alp38 and Scenery Barre des Ecrins.


I have a similar problem where X-Plane shows my plane at the beginning of the runway while Plan-G shows it short off and to the side of the runway

I am still working on it to see if I can narrow down the problem.

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G

tim arnot

What does the lat/lon display in FSX say? and does it match with Plan-G?

Tim. @TimArnot


I positioned a plane just in the middle of the runway.

FSX gives N 45°24.08' - E 6° 37.45"

When I set the cursor where the plane is shown on PlanG map I get almost the same result : N 45°24'04.75" - E 6°37'03.28" - normal incertainty due to the size of the plane icon - I am at maxi zoom.

The Airport is shown at 45,39833 - 6,62717 (from information dialog)

Hope it helps.

Thank you - Gérard