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Unable to Build Nav Database

Started by nigfrench, June 05, 2015, 02:26:17 PM

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Ran Plan-G v3.1.2.101 the other day and as I have modified some airfields, selected "Build Navigation Database" for P3D v2.5 and the build took about 5 seconds with a end result of  NDBs and Obstacles showing across the UK and nothing else.

Prior to this the only thing I've added to my flight sim is SimLauncherX, is this a compatibility issue?



Cannot attach Plan-G_Log.txt to this post, how do I do it?

tim arnot

Check the location of your scenery.cfg is correct in Build options - if you recently updated Plan-G it'll probably have been reset.

To attach the log file, click on "Additional Options" then "Choose file".

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim

Checked P3D File/Options/Locations and P3D exe and P3d Scenery cfg is correct. Tried another Build Navigation Database and same thing happens, runs for 5 seconds and NDBs  plus obstacles show.


tim arnot

There appear to be no entries in the scenery.cfg between

folder 020: G:\Program\Horizon Simulation\VFR-Gen-X-2.0\VFRGenX\Channel Isles\ES-CI-Terrain
folder 183: G:\Program\Horizon Simulation\VFR-Gen-X-2.0\VFRGenX\FSX_AIO

Did something overwrite it?

Tim. @TimArnot


Cannot understand this Tim as the only scenery entries I have disabled in the Scenery Library are Photographic Scenery and areas I don't fly over such as France, Ireland Scotland etc. I've rechecked the scenery.cfg file and can't find any errors.


tim arnot

Exactly. That's why nothing shows in Plan-G - because there's nothing in that cfg for it to add. Presumably the airports show in P3D itself, so it must be using a different cfg file. You need to locate that one and point Plan-G to it.

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot