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Can you log your track and flight but not display on map while flying

Started by BrettT, August 28, 2015, 03:09:18 PM

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I have really been enjoying using this product.  One thing I would like to do is have it log my flight and track without displaying my plane.  The reason is I would like to have the flight plan visible on the map and be able to use the map to find references, but also practice my VFR navigation skills without necessarily knowing where I am at.  I would then like to go back and look at how well or poor I did with regards to following my flight plan.  I have tried to have the log flight checked but have the plane not visible but when the flight is over and I go back and turn the plane back to visible my track of where I have been doesn't show.

Any help is appreciated.



tim arnot

I think it should still record breadcrumb files even if the user aircraft isn't shown. You won't get a live trail, but you should be able to load the breadcrumb file after the flight.

Tim. @TimArnot