
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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ILS-Feathers on new sceneries

Started by Luki_2410, December 14, 2015, 08:54:09 PM

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Hi Guys!

First of all, Plan G is a very great Software and it is very usefull, but now I have a problem.
After creating my own addon scenery for FSX, which is basicly a stock airport with a few changes, I added it to my scenery folder and named it ADE_somethingelse.bgl.
After creating the database new, I was able to see the frequencies for my ILS-Approach in the Information-Tab and it works fine in the game, but what i miss are the ILS-Feathers.
They are not appearing, not in green nor in red.
Am I missing something? I hope you can help me.

Thanks Luki  :)

tim arnot

You're sure the airport got included in the database build? (check to see it in the log file...). otherwise, without seeing the bgl and how you coded the ILS, there's not much i can suggest.

(there's no point sending me the bgl, because my PC is down right now)

Tim. @TimArnot



Yes I'm sure, because in the mean time i created a completly new airport wich didn't exist in the standard FSX-Database and it worked. I am able now to see my completly new added airport with an Icon and the data for the runway, com's and so on...
I also tried to view my airport with the added ILS on the GPS ingame and the feathers were also added there.
The log is available on My files have the names "ADE_LOGK_LUKE.bgl" and "ADE_LOGT_LUKE.bgl".
The approach for LOGK (the airport from the standard FSX-Database) seems to be recognized by Plan-G, but in the programm itself the feathers are still missing  :(

EDIT: I forgot to say, that I create and edit my airports with the Airport Design Editor. For creating the ILS, there is a simle function will add it automaticlly for the selected runways. The feathers are also visible in this programm.