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KJFK and PlanG

Started by Tight Git, December 03, 2016, 05:31:06 PM

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Tight Git

Apologies if this is a known problem, but I've just landed safely on 22L at FSDream Team's JFK (FSX, PMDG747, ILS Autoland) and PlanG shows I've landed just off-shore in the Atlantic!

Tight Git

Over 50 views and no reply.  :(

Am I the only one getting this?

Or, is it such a well known problem that you think I should know the solution?

tim arnot

Sorry, must have missed it.

Do you mean the airport is shown off-shore and Plan-G shows the aircraft correctly on the map, or the airport is shown correctly on the map but Plan-G shows the aircraft landing "off airport"? I don't have either that airport addon or that aircraft.

Tim. @TimArnot

Tight Git

Thanks, Mr Arnot, I mean the latter.

Earlier in the flight (from KBOS) the aircraft was shown correctly passing over the various VOR's in the flight plan, but doing an autoland using the ILS for 22L, I landed correctly according to the scenery, but in the drink according to PlanG!

Tight Git

Just back to say I've done another KBOS to KJFK flight, this time landing on RW 31R and all was shown correctly on Plan-G.

I've noticed that the map does not show the ILS's at JFK, although it does at all the other nearby airports, so perhaps this is something to do with the anomaly.

Anyway, I'm sure I can live with it if there's no simple solution.

Many thanks.

tim arnot

I've just done a flight from KBOS into KJFK 22L, and it went without a hitch. I'm only using default scenery, but all the ILS feathers are shown, and the aircraft was positioned correctly on the map.

If you start a flight from JFK in a freshly loaded sim, is it still incorrectly shown?

The only reason I can think who the addon airport loses its ILS feathers is a naming issue with the AFCAD. Older versions of Plan-G were fussy about filenames following the conventions (which not every addon did), but that shouldn't be a problem with the most recent builds - try rebuilding the database and see if they come back.

Tim. @TimArnot