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Airport Diagrams Missing On Installed Navigraph Data Airports

Started by TallTanBarbie, May 20, 2017, 10:14:32 PM

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Hello...I have Navigraph data installed in FSX:SE via fsAerodata and Plan "G" won't show the airport diagrams for those airports.  Is there a way to fix this?  You can tell which airports that won't show diagrams because the airport symbol is different -- instead of a circle with a bar they have a circle with four points around them.

tim arnot

I'm not familiar with FSAerodata. Can you attach the log file from a Plan-G database build? Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim --I think this is the correct file. 

Here's some info on Navigraph -- they make Jeppensen style charts for personal flight training via paid subscription.
FSAerodata updates the database with the Navigraph data for FSX/FSX:SE/P3D.
I also have used ARINC updates from Herve Sors as well.

BTW, I'm a general aviation private pilot IRL that works in the aerospace and defence industry -- thanks for creating this program :)

tim arnot

Right file, but you need to run the database build before attaching it . . . :)

Tim. @TimArnot


hmmm..I did -- for both fsx and p3d.  Will do again this weekend when I have time.

tim arnot

Log files get reset at midnight, so if you ran it the day before...

Tim. @TimArnot


Just did a database update with Plan G.  Here's the log file.

tim arnot


Since the last post, I've been in communication with Jose at fsAerodata, and can say that - sadly - right now it isn't supported in Plan-G. However, I know what the issues are, and support should be added for it soon.

Tim. @TimArnot
