
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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cannot add userwaypoint to plan...

Started by Sunflyer, February 22, 2018, 08:37:44 PM

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I have put an airstrip userwaypoint to the database. It is in the Data>Manage. I can also see it on the map as an airstrip. As I hover over the icon there are the name etc.
So far so good.

If I rightclick on the icon there should be as first item in the dropdown menu "Add to plan", but I have as first item the spot elevation !! So nowhere "Add to Plan".
I have version

What I'm doing wrong???



I agree with you observation. The work around is to add any airport to the plan and then when you right-click on your waypoints the "Add to Plan" is at the top of the list. After that you can delete the not required airport.

Apparently a user waypoint cannot be the first point of an empty plan. An initial problem and something that Tim should be able to fix.

X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


OK, I understand.
It is indeed, a "workaround"!

I hope it will be fixed.


tim arnot

It is by intent, because Flight Simulator will not load flight plans that do not start at an airport.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you Tim.

Wich means an "airstrip" is not an airport?

tim arnot

It must appear in FS's list of airports. Frequently "airstrips" are just scenery files without the metadata that links them into FS (that way they get the uneven dirt surfaces that make them fun, but the downside is that FS doesn't recognise them as airports)

Tim. @TimArnot