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All airport symbols in yellow now

Started by Flightburky, August 29, 2022, 05:40:21 PM

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Hi Tim,

thank you so much for your useful tool!

Only the highlighted Addon Airports have been yellowed in the past (via Data - Addon Manager- small/Large icons). Now all Airports are marked in yellow now (v4.0.1.262).  How can I now see my marked addon airports?
Please advice - Thanks in advance
Burkhard (MSFS, win11)

tim arnot

Yes sorry about that, it's a known bug.

If you have a backup copy of your Plan-Gv4 Files\Data\AddonAirports_{SIM}.txt file, you can simply restore it. If not, you'll need to delete the current version and recreate it. You can recreate the file either through the UI or with Notepad etc. - it's just a simple list, one ICAO code per line. If you edit the file in Notepad, do it while Plan-G is not running.

People often keep their ImportantAddons (large size icons) and AdditionalAirports files in sync, so you may be able to use that as a starting point. The formats are the same.

It'll get overwritten the next time you do a database build, so make a copy once you're done.

It'll be fixed in the next update.

Tim. @TimArnot