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No ILS data collected by Plan-G

Started by asquel, February 20, 2010, 03:03:04 PM

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After building up FSX data, I observed that no ILS data were present : not only are the ILS feathers absent, but when I place my cursor on an airport where I know there is an ILS system, no ILS frequency appears in the airport and runway data. I tried with Plan-G versions 0.8 and 0.9.1 with same result. I have absolutely no idea why this happens. I attach my log file. Can someone help me on this subject ?

tim arnot

1. Make sure you are using 0.9.1 -- ILS is not supported in 0.8. DO NOT use a database from 0.8 in 0.9.1, since it will not contain ILS data.

2. Make sure ILS is checked in the Map Settings ribbon

Tim. @TimArnot


1. : version used is 0.9.1. : see my log file :
13:54:46 PlanG constructor
13:54:46 executableFolder: C:\Program Files\Plan-G
13:54:46 Starting Plan-G, build

2. Yes, ILS is checked (yellow)


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


I didn't find one airport with ILS feathers : I looked to airports that I'm sure they have at least one runway equipped with ILS : EGLL, LFPG, EBBR, LEBL, VMMC.

tim arnot

You should definitely see ILS feathers at those places:

[smg id=17,caption="click to enlarge"]

If you have Access or Excel, could you open the Plan-G.mdb file, and check the VORSX table contains data in the last four columns (titled ILS-something) for the airports that have ILS?

There are no errors in your log snipper, which just covers the database creation. But it is still possible that something is going wrong at display time. Could you post a screenshot similar to mine, with the Map Options ribbon showing, and also include the log to cover its display? Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,

I send you an zipped Excel file made with the VORsX table, extracted from the PlanG.mdb file. There is definitely something wrong : there are only 5 lines where the ILSXXXX data are non null, and the contents of these data seems corrupted.
I send you also the image you requested, and the extract of the log file corresponding to the display of this image.
Thanks to take time to have a look on that...


tim arnot

What spec PC do you have? Particularly how much RAM?

Try disabling your China Airport Scenery in FS, and see if that cures the problem. Everything is fine uniil it reaches that scenery, then it starts getting out of memory errors.

Tim. @TimArnot


The PC on which Plan-G is installed is a Pentium D 3 GHz, with 2 Gb RAM and XP 32 bits as OS.
I disabled my China airports scenery, removed the previous Plan-G folder, and re-ran the database build... and the ILS feathers are there !
Do you know if these kind of errors can be tracked and corrected ? I checked the AF2XXXX files that caused problems during the buildup, using AFCAD, and seem to be without faults. But this scenery was made for FS9, and I imported it in FSX apparently without problems... up to now !
Thanks for your help !


tim arnot

Ok, if you can point me to where that scenery can be downloaded (if it's freeware), I'll take a look and see what the problem is.  :)

Tim. @TimArnot


No problem, and it's indeed freeware !  :D
You can find this scenery on the Avsim library ; the file name is :
The zip file includes a pdf (Airports in the PR China.pdf) giving the link between the AF2_XXXX file and the airport ICAO code.
It populates PRC with a lot of airports : FS9, and FSX, have actually much too few airports in this area. I did not try each airport in this package, but every time I landed on one of these airports, I compared it with Google Earth, and the airport position and layout were very accurate.
Again thanks for your help !

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


I also have a problem with viewing ILS feathers at most airports.  After looking at the Plan G Database File, I found most entries empty in the last 4 fields under the VORsX table to be empty.  The few places where there was information, for instance ICAO CBRV there is data and plan G displays it properly on the map.  It seems the database download for ILS is incomplete(for me at least).  I am running the lastest version and have properly built the FSX database. 

tim arnot

It's probably a scenery entry that Plan-G doesn' like. Look through the log of scenery entries as Plan-G is processing them, and you'll probably come across an error. You'll need to temporarily disable that entry from the FS scenery library while you build the database. Let me know what scenery causes the problem, and I'll be able to look into it and fix it.

Tim. @TimArnot


Time Arnot:

You are correct.  After looking at the log file created during the database rebuild, I found there was a .bgl file in my Addon Scenery folder that had an error.  After deleting this file, all the ILS feathers and information were displayed.  I was just surprised that one bad file could corrupt all the data for everywhere else.  Perhaps you could put in the FAQ on this forum for this problem because I could see others having this problem due to the thousands of freeware files on the internet.  Or if I have permission, I could put a post in that thread.

By the way, this is a  great addon to FS9/FSX and I have had a lot of fun using it.  For some reason, you can access ILS frequencies in the FSX GPS, but not their course information.  Now I don't have to stop flying and access the map in FSX.