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How could I uninstall PlanG?

Started by Ingrs, June 10, 2010, 04:46:55 PM

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Since I have installed PlanG, my FSX doesn't start anymore. Perhaps it has nothing to do with PlanG, but to play safe, I'd like to uninstall PlanG. But as I have it on an external HD, I couldn't find to uninstall it over the usual method in Windows XP (Start/System/Software).

tim arnot

To remove all traces of Plan-G:

1. Run the ClearAllSettings program in the Plan-G folder (this removes Plan-G's user settings)

2. delete the Plan-G folder from your drive.

That's it. Other than a single registry key, there's nothing "installed" as such.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks a lot for the quick answer.