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Trouble presentationframework

Started by lvflyer, August 19, 2010, 01:29:51 PM

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I have been using Plan-G on my laptop to remotely connect to my desktop across the network.  All of a sudden I'm getting the following error: Event Type: clr20r3  P1: plan-g.exe  P2  P3: 4bb2dd31  P7: 624d  P8: e1  P9

Sometimes if I reboot it will start and sometimes it won't.  I have virus checked and have deleted the browser history. 

Any ideas?  Also is there any plans on showing the callsigns on the map without having to click on the plane?  It's hard when your in the middle of a fur ball to know who is friend or foe when your hands are full.

Maybe you can interface with Vattastic and show the VATSIM controller online status as well and allow a way to logon to the VATSIM network without being connected to FSX.

tim arnot

Can you post the Plan-G log file please?

Unfortunately "Event Type clr20r3" really only tells me "an error happened", which isn't much to go on...

Tim. @TimArnot


I have a log file, but it is from last night, the last time it worked.  None were created today.  It doesn't get far enough and I've rebooted several times.  I just performed MS update and still no joy.


It's like MS is deliberately breaking XP so we have to buy Win7.  Problem is I have lots of accumulated programs that won't work in Win7.


I just did a .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 repair install and still no joy

tim arnot

One thing I found with google... Sometimes this error can happen if your Windows error log gets full. You could try clearing it (Administrative Tools->Event Viewer. Right-click the logs and select Clear). I don't necessarily hold out a lot of hope, but it's worth a try.

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

 ;D Glad it's working. Bizarre, eh?

Tim. @TimArnot


It quit working again.  The only way to fix was to do sfc /scannow whenever it breaks which has been several times

tim arnot

Maybe your hard drive is on its way out?

Tim. @TimArnot


Nope that's not it.  It has something to do with net.framework and ms update.



It did it again.  It seems that when I load a web page like then attempt to load Plan G it crashes with the PresentationFramework error and it doesn't get far enough to create a Plan G log file.   This is something in the code not compatable with new updates. The only way to get it to work is to sfc /scannow which verifies protected files and may be caused by unsigned file.

tim arnot

Absolutely no trouble running it alongside Vattastic, Vataware, Servinfo or... I'm still convinced the problem is somewhere on your PC. Have you tried running a registry cleaner?

Tim. @TimArnot