
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Wishlist of New Features

Started by RobertTWF172, December 10, 2009, 08:54:56 AM

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I have no idea how difficult these would be to implement, so I'll just throw them out here for my 2 cents worth.

When I hover my mouse over a navaid, what I would like to see is it's range.  I might skip a 38nm VOR in favor of a 195nm VOR some distance further away.  I know that their are various power levels on both VOR's and NDB's.

Are there any future plans to include victor airways, intersections, and such; or is that too IFR'ish?

tim arnot

You already can - right click on it and select 'Range & Heading'.

Tim. @TimArnot


I think RobertTWF172 meant the operational range of the NDB, not how far you are from it. I think that info is not very realistic as that should be part of your own knowledge base?

Maybe just the type of NDB, whether COMPASS, H, HH, or MH will do.

tim arnot

OK, yes I can put that on the list.  :)

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes, Aeroworx is correct.  What I am looking for is the operational range of any navaid (VOR or NDB) so I know at what point along the route I should be able to receive the station and it's navigation information.


Just like the OP, I would also like to see the range of the nav aid.
In nm, or by simply indicating the type so that it's range can be determined.
Since this has already been put on "the list" end of last year, is it still on it? And will there be an update in the near future?
and btw,
thanks for Plan G ! It is fantastic - I really love it.


Here's a crazy one...but it would be very helpful and way cool (not necessarily in that order).  Would it be possible to implement the 3d slew feature of Google Earth and have the various airspaces be rendered from a side view?  This would make it amazing (and cool dude  8)) for picking our way through the airspace at hand.

Thanks Tim nonetheless!

tim arnot

I agree, it would be cool. But the google maps interface does not include a height parameter, so I don't think it will be possible.

Tim. @TimArnot


It would be nice to have 4 buttons labeled 1 - 4 on the ribbon that control zoom level. The actual level associated with each button could be configurable in the program options dialog somewhere.

It would be nice to have the flight plan grid docked to the top or bottom of the map. This would make it possible to see entire waypoint rows without having to scroll. When docked on the right, it tends to be a little too narrow.

When you create a new flight plan, the Altitude command setting should stay the same. Currently, the new altitude seems to change in relation to ground level at the starting waypoint and it's as if the altitude chosen is for a Cessna.

In Sync mode, when the plane leaves the map on the bottom it turns up halfway down the next page on the map and continues downwards from there. It would be nice if it started higher up on the page. This applies to leaving from the other sides as well.

Dominic Russell

Quote from: socalpilot on August 26, 2010, 02:09:03 AM
Here's a crazy one...but it would be very helpful and way cool (not necessarily in that order).  Would it be possible to implement the 3d slew feature of Google Earth and have the various airspaces be rendered from a side view?  This would make it amazing (and cool dude  8)) for picking our way through the airspace at hand.

Thanks Tim nonetheless!

Something like this Joel?  (but on a map not google earth)


Would be nice to have the runways depicted (just as lines would be enough, no taxiways) when sufficient zoom is done on a particular airport.

Option to download current weather....

But perhaps more importantly, display victor and jet airways.


It would be cool to be able to launch an external web browser to display Google maps with your aircraft location centred. You could then use street view to explore your destination.

You could also have an option to launch directly at street level at the closest available street view location.

Unless you can do something similar already.


One more thing would be nice on your next update,  arcs on the flight plan that will show were your expected altitude will be reached based on your speed and vertical speed.

Thanks Tim,
