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Can't get Plan G to run

Started by Bruceb, November 23, 2010, 02:05:55 AM

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I am having problems getting Plan G to in stall on my i7 960 nvidia 470 (260.99 drivers) PC.  The install fires up then after I build the database I get this error message

" Stop running this script?

A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive

Yes  No"

I have a dual boot system Win 7 64  and XP 32.  FSX is installed on Win 7, FS2004 on XP32.  I got this error message on attempts to install Plan G into both OSs (which are completely separate and installed on different hard disks the only common link is that I am using the same nvidia 260.99 drivers - well not quite the same as there are different 32 bit and 64 bit versions) With the win 7 install I clicked on yes and got the error message "that this program has stopped responding etc." and on rebooting the PC I got the same error message even after deleting the Plan G folder and reinstalling.  I still got the same message after installing in a different path using a previous version of Plan G.  I then rebooted the PC and attempted to install into WinXP and after building the database I got the script is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly message only this time I didn't tell it to stop and Plan G continued to run.  However on closing Plan G and attempting to reload it crashes.  Again a reinstall with a previous version loads initially but on attempting to reload (before building the database this time) it crashes. 

So what is going on here?  Any suggestions appreciated.



Thanks I should have read the FAQ more closely.  Unfortunately this doesn't help and I think the original go slow message is incidental to my main problem, ie Plan-G doesn't load.  After an initial successful install it doesn't reload -  it starts for a second or so and then you get the MS error message "This program has stopped working etc.". It does this on Win 7 64  and Win XP 32 on my i7 960 PC.  Any attempts to uninstall and reinstall result in the same error - even previous versions and even after a system restore.  However Plan G does run normally my wife's Vista 32 PC, but I can't run FS on that because it is very low end.  So the problem is in my PC.  I did suspect the video driver but a change from 260.99 to 197.75 doesn't help - at least on XP haven't tested this on Win 7 as FSX is running very well with this driver and I don't wont to muck around with the system too much.  Any further suggestions appreciated


tim arnot

Try turning off overlays (show/hide overlays on the Home ribbon). That way you should only see the map with nothing on it. If that works, try introducing overlays one at a time ans see where the critical spot is.

2.0 will be out in a few days, and it'll be worth seeing if that makes a difference.

Tim. @TimArnot


Unfortunately I can't get into the program to turn off anything, it aborts a second or two after attempting to start.  This is the error message if it means anything to anyone.

  Stopped working

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:   plan-g.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:   4b66e4b8
  Problem Signature 04:   PresentationFramework
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:   4b595113
  Problem Signature 07:   6253
  Problem Signature 08:   e1
  Problem Signature 09:   System.Windows.Markup.XamlParse
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:   3081

Now I had thought I had solved the problem when I discovered an earlier install of Plan G that I had forgotten about.  This fired up asked me to install the database which it did OK.  Everything seemed to work.  I reloaded seemed to boot OK but appeared to freeze then I remembered the FAQ about multi monitors  and changed to primary display to the left and Plan G unfroze and worked as normal.  However when I shut it down and reloaded again after a second or two I got the above MS error message.  I tried disabling the second monitor - didn't help and a complete shut down and reboot didn't help.  Looked at the log file and there aren't any error messages and Google.html loads OK.  Very puzzling - beginning to seem that I will have to look elsewhere for a flight planner.  Tried FSCommander and that works fine but prefer Plan-G (no problems on my previous FSX PC - E8600, 9800GT, Vista64) and would pay good money if I could get it to work.



Well I am pleased to report that Plan G version 2 installs and runs on my system after reloads.  The big difference is that Plan-g v2 is now registered in Windows.  While I do have other issues with the way Plan-G v2 runs but I think it best I pursue these in another thread.
