
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Cross references : limited to country of departure airport ?

Started by f16jockey, February 16, 2011, 02:05:33 PM

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Don't know if this is a built in feature/limitation, or me doing something wrong.

Planning VFR LOWK Klagenfurt (Austria) to LIPB Bolzano (Italy).
When trying to set up cross references for some key wpts, the program only suggests me VOR/NDBs in Austria (LO).
This is OK for the start of the flight, but near the end I need bearing/distance to a VOR in Italy (LI).

When trying to type OZE for the Bolzano VOR in the selection box, I get an empty screen.

Any suggestions ?


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Thnx for the reply. Seems a bit strange indeed nobody has pointed this out yet.

Looked a bit further into this.
Seems like I only have the limited selection of navaids when I reload a PLG-file for modification (when wanting to add a "forgotten" Xref).
When starting a plan everything works OK.


tim arnot

Could you upload the plan, and I'll take a look at it?

Tim. @TimArnot


Here's the plan. Reworked it a bit (started from scratch), you'll see I was able to use both VIW and OZE VORs for Xref.
When opening it again I only get Austrian VORs to select.

To be honest, I have this problem with ALL my saved flightplans (then with the other country of departure of course).
I'm running Windows Vista as an admin btw.


tim arnot

Ok, thanks. I think I can see what the problem is. I'll fix it for 2.0.4


Tim. @TimArnot