
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Error on Connect

Started by nichos, May 17, 2011, 10:44:31 PM

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With FSX running, I load Plan-G v2.05.493 & click on Connect & I get this Error:-

Unable to connect to remote FS (timeout)
Check FSX is running & protocol settings are correct

In FSX Modules I installed "FSUIPC4" & in menu bar "Add-ons" it shows FSUIPC...

Can you help please.

PS Untill recently it used to work OK

tim arnot

Is this across a network on on a single PC?
Have your PC's IP addresses changed recently? (for example if you change the router, or even reboot it, they can get allocated different IPs)

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanx Tim,

I have no idea as I do not know anything about IP addresses, my home router is switched on when needed & switched off at night.

Modified:- I
1. t is only on my desktop PC

2. The Local Area\Connection shows Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties as "Optain an IP address automatically.

tim arnot

If everything is on a single PC then the actual IP addres shouldn't matter, as everything is local. But it should also work just fine by default. So, since it used to work, we need to look for what has changed.

The first thing to check is that FSUIPC is correctly installed. You should find in in the Modules folder of your FSX install. Also, when you run FSX, you should have an FSUIPC entry in the menus.

Next, check your firewall and antivirus settings. If these have changed, or you've updated the software, it could well be blocking the connection.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanx again,

as mentioned above:- In FSX Modules I installed "FSUIPC4" & in menu bar "Add-ons" it shows FSUIPC...

I turned off AVG free & Win Firewall but the problem remains.      .....nick

tim arnot

Can you post the log file please.

Tim. @TimArnot


my Plan-G log file:-

13:02:25.9 ---===+++===---
13:02:25.9 Starting Plan-G, build
13:02:25.9 OS is Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
13:02:31.4 Location is I:\PLAN G
13:02:33.2 Window_Loaded
13:02:33.6 SetInitialControlStates
13:02:33.9 Checking DEM availability
13:02:33.9 FS9 is installed
13:02:33.9 FSX is installed
13:02:33.9 Checking FSX database built status
13:02:34.3 IsDataLoaded: True
13:02:34.3 Data Source = I:\PLAN G\Data\PlanG_FSX.sdf
13:02:35.4 FSX database is built
13:02:35.4 Checking FS9 database built status
13:02:35.4 IsDataLoaded: False
13:02:35.4 Data Source = I:\PLAN G\Data\PlanG_FS9.sdf
13:02:35.5 Setting ribbon group
13:02:35.5 Setting db button states
13:02:35.5 Selected data set is FSX
13:02:35.6 SetInitialControlStates done
13:02:35.6 SetTheme Blue
13:02:35.8 Checking Internet available
13:02:36.6 Setting MRU
13:02:36.6 Opening map
13:02:36.8 Starting timers
13:02:36.9 Window_Loaded done
13:02:39.4  DEBUG: Aircraft
13:02:39.5 Clear all Airspace. (ClearAirspaceBoundaries)
13:02:39.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 51.4000624286538 s = 50.8267584823633 w = -1.0382080078125 e = 0.523223876953125 Zoom = 10
13:02:39.7 =====>> PlotOverlayElements. N = 51.4000624286538 s = 50.8267584823633 w = -1.0382080078125 e = 0.523223876953125 Zoom = 10
13:02:39.7 --> Zoom Still
13:02:39.7 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
13:02:39.7 No plan - erasing line
13:02:41.1 PlotOverlayElements - starting plot
13:02:41.1   Airspace
13:02:44.7 GetAirspaceInBounds retrieved 13 boundaries
13:02:44.7 Plot ICAO Airspace. 13/0 boundaries
13:02:44.7   NDBs
13:02:44.9   VORs
13:02:45.0   Airports
13:02:49.8 GetAirportsInBounds retrieved 12 airports.
13:02:49.8 Plotting . 1/0 Large airports
13:02:49.8 WxTimer_Tick
13:02:49.8 Checking for updates
13:02:49.9 DownloadCurrentMetars thread started
13:02:50.0 Metar11Z.TXT started
13:02:50.0 Metar12Z.TXT started
13:02:50.0 sTAF12Z.TXT started
13:02:50.0 lTAF06Z.TXT started
13:02:50.2 sTAF12Z.TXT done
13:02:50.2 lTAF12Z.TXT started
13:02:50.6 This build: 493 Latest build: 493
13:02:50.6 Plotting . 11/0 Medium airports
13:02:50.7   ISECs
13:02:50.7   UWpts
13:02:51.1   done
13:02:51.1 DrawFlightPlan. MoveMap = False nodes = 0
13:02:51.1 No plan - erasing line
13:02:51.5 lTAF12Z.TXT done
13:02:51.5 sTAF06Z.TXT started
13:02:52.0 sTAF06Z.TXT done
13:02:52.5 lTAF06Z.TXT done
13:02:56.0 Metar12Z.TXT done
13:02:56.0 getWxDataWorker error:System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (451) Local error in processing.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(String address)
   at PlanG.WebWX.getWxDataWorker(String url, String fileName)
13:02:56.0 Metar11Z.TXT done
13:02:56.0 DownloadCurrentMetars done
13:02:56.8 ProcessMetars done
13:02:58.0 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
13:02:58.1 SimConnect.Connect
13:02:58.1 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = localhost Port = 0
13:02:58.8 SimConnect Exception received:BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SIMCONNECT_RECV_EXCEPTION
13:03:18.7 SimConnect remote connection timed out
13:03:18.7 SimConnect.Disconnect
13:03:19.8  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
13:03:19.8  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft
13:03:28.4  DEBUG: removeUserAircraft
13:03:28.4  DEBUG: removeAIAircraft

tim arnot

Make sure the connection options dialog is set to FSUIPC. That log shows you are attempting to connect using SimConnect.

Tim. @TimArnot



Please forgive me causing all this trouble, passed 80 the gray matter gets slugish, BUT having said that the first version I used did not have the Automatic as default.

but where are these connection options, FSX shows FSUPC on top menu modules, & cannot find any options in Plan-G.

Just pressed for the first time the large green FILE & saw options, it was on automatic, changed to FSUPC

Also in this new version the side panel does not show. Perhaps I installed it wrongly this time??

tim arnot

No trouble :)

Go into the View ribbon and click on the Expanders button (the top part); the panel should reappear. If it doesn't, you should see a narrow grab handle by the edge of the window that you can click with the mouse and pull out.

Tim. @TimArnot


Just for info,

clicking that icon only mooves/expands the RH edge 1-2 mm with a 1-2mm white line flashing once, & no handle to drag.

But do'nt bother not important to me.

Thanx again for giving us such a usefull addon really bringing the FS to another level. Used FSNav for years & FSX without it was not full, untill I was advise by a user of your Plan-G          .........nick

tim arnot

That white line is the handle - just drag it out exactly as if you were resizing a window.

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry Tim,

do not worry, but its untouchable as it flashes for a second.