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Build database

Started by maxbax, January 08, 2012, 09:30:26 AM

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Hello everybody... Excuse my bad english... When I build database FSX, I have ONLY 211 airports !!! in the all World !!! Why ? :-[ Thnaks for answers. Maxbax

tim arnot

Does your log show any error after building the database?

Tim. @TimArnot


Well, no error message. I erase all things. And after I try to load again.  Incredible, now I have 115 airports, it's less than other time... Sorry but I don't understand nothing at all. Maxbax

tim arnot

Then please attach your log file to this thread. Thanks.

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry... I don't undestand... excuse Maxbax

tim arnot

Plan-G_Log.txt. Upload it here.

Tim. @TimArnot


Well... You can see in attach Plan-G_Log.txt. for FSX.
But with FS9, I have no problem.
Good receive from Maxbax

tim arnot

All the airports are built okay. Perhaps you have the display turned off for that zoom?

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry, I don't understand... :-\

tim arnot

Features are enabled and disabled according to the zoom level. Go to the map ribbon and check the features you want are enabled at your current zoom level.

Enabling features at low zoom levels will cause a big performance hit.

Tim. @TimArnot


 :D Good morning Mister Tim Arnot. After trying several times with no good solutions... I decide to reboot FSX and erase all. Now I have basic FSX !!! I loose a lot of things but it's allright. And Plan-G is okay with 24 511 airports... A bug in FSX, why, I don't know... a big mystery... >:( But now I can fly allright. Don't forget : life is time to run ;D Have a nice day and thanks for many answers. Maxbax