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Changing Altitude in flight at waypoints

Started by bobflight28, January 03, 2012, 11:15:21 AM

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Hi just got going on G-plan and done a couple of flights using G-Plan vfr flight planner.
Just wanted to know if its possible to get back to the original menu/screen of setting up the flight plan info, the reason is whilst in flight I wanted to change the altitudes at some of the waypoints, or is there another way to do it.


tim arnot

In the plan list, click in the altitude box for the leg you want to change, and type the new altitude.

Tim. @TimArnot


thanks for getting back , is was the 'passing Altitude I was after and have just re looked at the manual and I had missed the 'double click' requirement to enter altitude at the waypoint.
sorry for not making it clear in my post.