Can not connect to Plan-G with FSX on same computer!?

Started by bootsy, January 04, 2012, 07:46:21 PM

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I am new here at this forum
and really like to run this program to help me make flightplans
I am stuck with a big problem.
after installing the software, and installing NET framework 4.0
I was able to normally start the software
after that I was able running the database with build fsx.
everything seems fine.
but I can not connect to FSX, while FSX is running.
after a few seconds it gives me a pop-up box with something like: cannot connect see if is fsx is running and if you have right connection or so...I have tried different options in the setup connection menu.

I am running under XP sp 2 and FSX sp 1 with both programs running on the same computer (not under a network)

what am I doing wrong!?

Is there somebody of you "Plan-G diehards" who can help me out?

help really appreciated, thanx in advance

Regards Peter


I'm new as well but I think your first port of call is to check out the program requirements on the 'home page' for the version your running, the latest ver is for fsx sp2. I also noticed your not running xp sp3, sp2 is not supported by MS and there have been many (hundreds) of security updates for sp3


tim arnot

Please upload the Plan-G log file - that will (hopefully) indicate what is happening.

Tim. @TimArnot


Today I updated my FSX to SP2 and everything seems to work fine now.
I can connect without a problem now
Thanx for your advices

Happy flying!