
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Fs9 on win7-PG on XP all updates/ network no joy

Started by GDR1944, December 03, 2011, 04:56:00 AM

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My computer tech spent over 2 hrs trying to get P-g to work over network.

Transfer of data/files ok both ways.

21:31:27.6 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
21:31:27.6 FSUIPC.Connect
21:31:27.6 Error opening FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #2: FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS. Cannot find FSUIPC or WideFS running on this machine.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(FlightSim RequiredFlightSimVersion)
   at FS.FSUIPC.Connect()

Newest  V of Registered FSUIPC and WideFS.

tim arnot

Operating systems?

Do both sets of programs have the same security privileges (e.g both set to 'run as Administrator')?

Is either or both blocked by antivirus or firewall?

Does WideFS connect to Flightsim without Plan-G running?

Tim. @TimArnot


before I answer your questions could reassure me that widesf does infact connect if Plan-g is on a XP system and FS9 on a win7 system.

FS9 is on a Win 7 and Plan-G is on a XP-Pro Sys.

My computer tech did not charge me and is coming over Sunday noon to try again.
He built both computers and I requested that I have Addmin rights to everything.

Not to my Knowledge.

How can you tell if WideFS is connected to Flightsim?

Gerry Reid

tim arnot

I don't have an XP computer. It *shouldn't* be a problem in theory, but I have heard stories from people saying it's the devil's own job getting XP and Win7 talking to each other, even for something as "simple" as sharing folders. Generally it seems that mixing windows versions can be problematic.

Make sure FS and WideServer are both running as Administrator (they MUST have the same security privileges, regardless, or they won't talk to each other). If your LAN IP addresses are assigned by DHCP, the FS PC should have a reserved address so that it doesn't get changed, since the IP is stored in FSUIPC's config. It doesn't matter if the client address gets reassigned, but if the FS PC is reassigned, the comms won't work.

When it is connected, the title bar in FS changes from "WideServer: Waiting for clients"

Tim. @TimArnot


Its colder than the back end of a Whiches broom in Colorado.

Confirmed FS and WideServer are both running as Administrator and have the same security privileges.

Folder and file sharing OK
The title bar in FS changes from "WideServer: Waiting for clients"

I don't know what this means or how to edit/change it.
If your LAN IP addresses are assigned by DHCP, the FS PC should have a reserved address so that it doesn't get changed, since the IP is stored in FSUIPC's config. It doesn't matter if the client address gets reassigned, but if the FS PC is reassigned, the comms won't work

My computer tech is arriving at noon I hope he can find out what is wrong.

Hope you are there today and thanks for your patents and help.


Peter Dodds

I have about 10-12 devices on my LAN - PCs, ipAD, iPODs, Playstation3, laptops. I have no trouble with my network connections, ever, because every device has a fixed IP address. Naturally I need to keep a log of what they are!  :)

I would always recommend using fixed IP addresses for all devices, not just the FS PC, rather than leaving it to DHCP. I'll try and remember to put a section in the PG3 manual about setting up fixed IP addresses.
