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V3 looks nice - but......some wishes and a smaller bug

Started by FlyingAxx, August 20, 2012, 08:43:54 PM

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Hello Tim,

After installing, my first impression was dominated by the missing elevation terrain map as this was a nice help to find out locations with demanding approaches or even scenic routes. A National Park can be quite flat and boring if flying over it. Okay, I can understand the problem but for planning trips I will surely continue to use version 2 in order to find such areas. Open Cycling Map could serve as well but I'm missing the contour lines and the possibility to look for the real airport locations. I used Plan-G more than once for airport design purposes.    :D
BTW, probably it's written somewhere but the background maps are looking rather like bitmaps than being vectorized.

What I'm really missing is the "click & drag" plan editing function. Even if you added some alternative possibilities I would like to have it back.

Now the bugs:

  • Occasionally it happens when pointing to a waypoint the name tag sometimes remains on screen even if the map has been dragged or the windows has been sent to the background.
  • Shifting waypoints is a good function as long they are user defined. Unfortunately you can even move them when they are intersections or airports
This leads to a preliminary wish list:

  • I'm missing an undo function
  • I'm missing a "delete selection" function
  • I would like to select the used font  (yes, nice to have)
  • I would like to customise in tables the column width (ditto)
  • I would like to dock the panels (probably like in V2 but optionally) rather than having the map covered by multiple windows.

However, there are other features being really nice (e.g. the weather feature, the aerodrome map function etc.). Over all, some bugs are ironed out and the overall impression is promising. Thank you very much Tim!

