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No DEMM in Plan-G folder

Started by DEREK45, August 31, 2012, 09:17:06 PM

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Unable to locate Demm Folder Set up as follows G:\Program Files\TA Software and user account for FSX andFS9 labeled Flight\Documents\Plan-G Files. This contains folders CHARTS-DATA-PROFILES-WX and Plan-G Log. Checked through TA Software but no Demm in there, Checked Documents in other accounts and around the C: and G: drives and there are no DEMM folders to be found.

tim arnot

Create it yourself. And it's DEM not DEMM.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have same question, except I can't find the DEM folder :)

How do I create it myself?

In plan G v2 its already there and I use it ok I have even copied the DEM folder from v2 into v3 but that doesn't work. 

Appreciate you explaining a bit more how to do it yourself?

tim arnot

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Navigate to My Documents\Plan-G Files
3. Right-click in an empty space in the window and select NEW then FOLDER
4. Type DEM for the folder name

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim.

I'd been doing exactly that but in the TA Software folder:(

Now its happy days  :D



Is there a way to move the DEM folder to another location then the Users directory?



Quote from: sieggie on September 02, 2012, 07:07:16 PM

Is there a way to move the DEM folder to another location then the Users directory?


I second that question but I want/need to move the whole "C:\Users\...\Documents\Plan-G Files\" folder to another location, to a different drive actually. Drive C for me is an SSD and I don't want data in it, data goes to a regular HD. Is there a way to move it? I couldn't find any in the few settings the app has. This folder has around 2GB of data at the moment, too much luxury to have it in my SSD. Thank you.

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Quote from: tim arnot on September 14, 2012, 07:24:51 AM

Thanks for the reply.

What you mean is that I should MOVE the native Documents library out of my drive C? As far as I understand, the folder "Plan-G Files" is hard-coded into the native "My Documents" folder (that in Windows 7 is a sub-folder of the Documents library being "Public Documents" the other sub-folder of the same Documents library) so if I create a new library I can't see how Plan-G will know that I want it to place "Plan-G Files" in such new library.

I really would not like to try and move a native folder (others are Music, Pictures, Videos...) because my experience in doing this in the past has been prone to problems. Why don't you just add a setting that would allow the user the freedom to choose a working folder for Plan-G Files without having to deal with the inner workings of Windows?

tim arnot

No. Set up plan-g files as a virtual folder.

Tim. @TimArnot


I don't want to deal with messing with my native folders since I believe any solution will invariably change it because, again, as far as I understand, your folder is someway hardcoded so there is no way to really change it.
I managed to make another application work in the way I wanted, FS Google Earth Tracker, so I will use it instead.
Thank you anyway.


Hi, I am a little confused by this one.

V2 uses x:user defined folder \TA Software\Plan-G v2\DEM

Why can I not use  x:user defined folder \TA Software\Plan-G v3\DEM for my V3 DEM folder?

I do notice even though I specified x:user defined folder \TA Software\Plan-G v3
V3 has created a new Plan-G Files folder in my Libraries\Documents folder if I have to put the DEM folder there I will but it seems a shame that the system is creating so many locations for files :(

Note:- If this above limitations are a result of having to code for windows 7 User Account Control; I with draw any comments that have a negative tone.

Plan-G is a great add-on program for FSX!