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Main Tabs: View --> Plan Question

Started by b3burner, January 20, 2013, 09:18:43 AM

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As noted in the PDF manual-- section 12.3 page 49 of 128--

It says that the Tabular flight plan menu automatically displays in an open state... blank with a brown border line, when the program is first installed.  I seem to recall seeing it, but not knowing what I was doing, I apparently X'ed it out or shoved it off to the side somewhere so I could mainly concentrate on the map.  Now that I've saved a flight plan and I'm ready to try it out, I want to see it back and when I click on the Plan button, the flight plan window is not opening up; or if it is, it's not visible.

Is there an easy explanation to what may have happened?  Also the same thing appears to maybe have happened with the "Plan Elevation" button... because I went on the DEM website, downloaded all the tiles (just to play it safe and complete), and installed all those in the "Documents/Plan-G Files/DEM" folder, but I'm not able to get the plan elevation profile window to open up either.

What might I be doing wrong?

Or does FS have to be powered up and ready to go as I'm attempting to do all this?  (Right now... I only have Plan-G opened up, as I thought flight planning could be done w/o the sim itself running.

Thank you.

--  John

tim arnot

Go to the View ribbon and click the Flight Plan View button.

Tim. @TimArnot