Exported Flightplan .plg not identical to flightplan .pln

Started by Krights, February 12, 2013, 08:56:55 PM

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After creating a flightplan with Plan-G (.plg) I export the flightplan to FSX (.pln)
When I then load the flightplanner in FSX and select the appropriate plan (.pln) it is never the original plan, but the result depends on the selection of eg. GPS, VOR etc.
How can I make sure that that both plans are identical?

thanks for the help

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


Hello Tim,

Exporting the flightplan.plg to FSX works well.
I then loaded the Flightplan.pln and selected it as an  IFR plan not realizing that it then will be recalculated according to the required option (GPS, VOR, Airways)

Loading the flightplan.pln as VFR plan is the solution and the plan is now identical to the one in Plan-G

Thanks for your wonderful program.