
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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Multi PC

Started by Rhinozherous, February 20, 2014, 09:33:13 PM

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Plan-G is awesome! I used it to this point on one PC, now I would run it on an second PC.
Because I have some Problems understanding the Network settings on WIN7 (...) I tried to build the database as it described in the manual - "However, You may find it simpler to install an extra copy of Plan‐G on your Flight Simulator PC and build the database(s) there. You can then copy the Plan‐G Files\Data folder across to your networked PC." - and so I did it... But when I now start Plan-G it asks me about creating the Database, as seen on the screenshot, but X-Plane is not on this PC. And it dont let me open any other menues... -.-

Thank you for your Attention
Greets, Rhino

tim arnot

Did you copy the right files? Plan-G3_XPX.sdf for X-Plane. It should be about 120 MB

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for fast Answer!

I think so, I have tried it first with the "Plan-G Files/Data" folder from my -- system C:/Programms (x86)/TA Software/Plan-G v3/Data -- but then I realise that there is no data for X-plane in it. Than I tried it with the
"Plan-G Files/Data" folder from the "my Documents" folder, it has the "Plan-G3_XPX" data in it... it is the one on the screenshot.

Does the Log file Help? I've attached it.


Okay, after an restart of the PC i can go one step further, no database building... but now there are no X-plane datas like airports or VORs or anything. And when I nevertheless try to start the XPWideClient it does not connect, or it do it half (on Plan-G there is "Flightsim" but no Plane is shown)
Maybe I try it again on an other day... I have tried now for three hours to bring it to work, i'm tired  :'(

Still, thanks for the help

tim arnot

Do the airports etc show when you run it on the other PC?

Tim. @TimArnot


Jope, on my PC with the sim it works normally. Both WIN7 64bit, the second PC where I want to run Plan-G is an Laptop.


Update to 3.1 solves all Problems -- now it works perfectly with two PC's

Thank you!