what do I need to learn to make plan-g work on laptop

Started by andresico, January 31, 2015, 04:56:17 PM

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Hi, and sorry if you have been through this a million times.
I´m a new user of Plan-G. I have the newest version installed on my Flightsimpc, and I think everything works the way it should.
I would like to be able to use plan-G on my laptop, and thats where the problems come.
The flightsimPC (fspc) and the laptop are networked. Meaning that I can see the "normal" folders (user name) on each and so share files.

I have installed Plan-G on the laptop as well, but I cannot build navigation database. And thats where it all stops.

I have read the parts of the manual which is about connecting 2 pc and I´ve read what I needed to know in order to set up Plan-G on fspc in the first place.
I have searched the net, I have browsed this forum and in total used hours on this without finding a solution. Yesterday I went to bed with a big headache and frustration and thats not very nice.
Is there some kind of step by step thing. I find the manual to be confusing, and I´m not sure what I need to do. I have a feeling that even though my 2 pc are connected, its not enough and I need to be able to see files and programs, but I have no idea what to do and I´ve ended in the blind after reading to much confusing internet stuff.

My english is very good, but it is my 3rd language and my computeres dont use english windows7. They use Spanish, which is my 2nd language.


I don't use that particular setup myself, so I never looked into the details of making Plan-G working on a different computer, but I thought I could make a suggestion based only on my knowledge of computers. There's probably something written somewhere on how to do this in a Plan-G fashion, so is someone else has anything better to offer, please do...

You indicated you're stuck at the spot where you need to build the database. Is the fsx folder visible from that laptop? If not, then you would need to share your FSX folder on the network. Then, (and this is totally optional) just to make life easier on yourself, map that folder to a drive letter. Then you should be able to build the database by pointing it to that drive letter (or to the full unc path if you didn't map it to a drive letter).

I hope this helps.


Well, I tried to share the P3D folder on my network, but I must have done something wrong, because now I cant acces the flightsim computer and thats a problem.
So for now, untill I have fixed that, everything Plan-G related is on standby.

tim arnot

Copy the My Documents\Plan-G Files\Data folder from your FS PC to your laptop. Then there's no need to build anything (assuming you built the database on your FS PC)

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the reply Tim.
Now Plan-G is on the laptop. I still havent had the time to figure out why I lost network.
I will concentrate on the program a bit and then later on try to make the laptop run parallel to the FS-PC which is my goal.

Btw. Thanks for making a tutorial. Thats what makes a complex program like this one a good one. There´s nothing like doing things compared to only reading things.

IMHO, the manual still needs a part that explains how you need to setup your fs-pc AND your laptop in order to have it running parallel on the laptop. As it is now, its confusing and with information in various places. I´m not being negative here. I´m trying to being constructive.

tim arnot

The simplest way:

1. Set up Plan-G on your FS-PC
2. Build the database. This will create all the files you need for your laptop in Plan-G Files\Data
3. Install Plan-G on your laptop
5 Copy the data files from the FS PC

Connecting Plan-G to FS so you can see your aircraft is a whole other section of the manual ;)

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks, I think I have all these things covered.
What i would like to do in the future, when I have fixed my network thing is to follow my flight on the laptop, as a second computer.
But just wait with this. I prefer to fix my network problem and I also prefer to use the program on the FS-pc for a while before going on with more possibilities.
For now I have LOTS of things to learn in order to enjoy the full potential of this very nice program. Ther´s no hurry.