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Flight route sometimes not visible

Started by Alex-FSX, June 30, 2014, 01:48:21 PM

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When loading a flight route sometimes (or rather most of the time) only the waypoints of the route are displayed.
Only in some of the cases the total route is visible (so the waypoints and a black line connecting these waypoints).

I compared the file of the routes where the total route is displayed with files of routes where I only get the waypoints (so without the connecting black line), but can't see no structural difference.

Does anyone know how to get the total route on display in all cases ?



tim arnot

Can you attach a flight plan that doesn't display?

Tim. @TimArnot



Thanks for your reaction. By the way, Plan-G is an awsome piece of software, once I used it I would not be without it anmore :)

I attached two flight-plans. The "15 EHAM-24... plan is not visible (that is, only the waypoints being displayed as small triangles) and the EBBR - EHRD -plan is displayed in full

Version is Plan-G, using it on two computers, one running Windows-7, the other Windows-8, both the same result.

Plans created with Flightsim Commander.

Thanks for looking into my problem,




I couldn't stand the fact that I could not find out what was wrong, so I digged into the problem a little.

I found out that the problem with the visibility of the flightplans is caused by the ICAO Region codes in the FSim Commander flightplan. It is standard put to "KK" instead of the valid ICAO code (i.e. EH for Holland).

For instance, the WOODY intersection in the FSim Commander flightplan would be:
<ATCWaypoint id="WOODY">
            <WorldPosition>N51° 24' 20.00",E4° 21' 59.00",+000000.00</WorldPosition>

The ICAORegioncode should be set to <ICAORegion>EH</ICAORegion> but the author(s) of Fsim Commander decided to set this standard to KK (found this in the Fsim Commander forum, topic Flightplan ICAO Regions by ScottecLEMD dated 27-oct-2012)

When the "KK" ICAO-code is set the flightplan is not visible in Plan-G, you can only see the waypoints as small triangles.
When I take the FSim Commander generated flightplan and edit it to contain valid ICAO-codes the plan will be visible.

I realise this is in fact a FSim Commander problem, but would it be possible to visualize the flightplan even with invalid ICAO-region codes ?

Hope this helps ...


tim arnot

Not in the upcoming update - it's too big of a change this close to release, but certainly I'll put it on the list to look at for the future.

Tim. @TimArnot