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v3.1.0.82 cannot write P3D2 intersections

Started by ChrisGlobe, June 28, 2014, 04:05:38 PM

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Trying to build the database for P3Dv2, it gets as far as "Writing 102871 intersections" and then stops - any thoughts please?

Log file is attached, it would appear the Plan-G has issues when using files that are on a network drive?


tim arnot

Can you install it locally, at least for long enough to build the data? It might be just the write processes that have problems with remote data (although it's still going to be very slow running it across a network - it's certainly not designed for that mode of operation)

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim,
Plan-G is installed locally (on C:\) but the document folder is on a network drive. I've uninstalled Plan-G, set my Document folder to be on C:\ by default then reinstalled, but it seemingly makes no difference, with it defaulting to looking on the network drive.

Is there something in the config or registry I can change to force it to use files on C:\?


tim arnot

I don't know if it'll work, but you could try creating a virtual folder for Plan-G Files. You create the folder on your C: drive, and then basically create a link to it (just like a web page link) in your My Documents folder. This is how places like "My Documents" work. Se here for instructions to set up the link:

Tim. @TimArnot


Problem solved through the disconnection of my network cable, thus forcing Windows 8 back to the C:\ drive - sadly symlinks didn't work!

Now I have the issue with not being able to click any of the tabs, I've read elsewhere that 3.1.1 resolves this?

tim arnot

Yes. The workaround until it arrives (should only be another week or so) is to copy the P3D database over the FSX one.

Tim. @TimArnot


Ok, I don't have FSX so will wait for the updated version - thanks Tim.


tim arnot

You don't need to have it - just copy the P3D data file over the FSX one in your Plan-G Files\Data folder

Tim. @TimArnot