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Yellow triangle waypoints keep flickering

Started by Bassman, August 29, 2014, 04:23:11 AM

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As the title says, the yellow waypoint triangles keep flickering (the triangle moves slightly up and down) as do the entries in the View/Plan/waypoint list.
They do not flicker when plan is loaded, only when I connect FSX.
I have re-calculated the flight plan both as .plg and a s.pln and makes no difference, I have also downloaded fresh install of PlanG still no fix.
The flightplan that I have loaded is a very large one "EU_sightseeing"  that I obtained on line with over 11,000km of flying and hundreds of waypoints.
This should not be a problem as I have flown on this plan already for some weeks before the problem became evident.
Any ideas please?
Thankyou  Dan

tim arnot

Do you have the aircraft sync set to Lock? Maybe there's some jitter in the positioning data and it's causing the map to move about...

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim, I have tried Lock, Sync and the other one however is still happening. Only thing I can think of is maybe I have remnants of a previous PlanG install or previous Flightplan install?
I will un-install completely, search for any remnants and then re-install and see if that fixes. Funny, I have not had this happen before and it is more of a niusance than unworkable.
A great program anyway that I will continue to use even if I can't fix this little problem.
Thanks again Dan.

tim arnot

I don't think either should make any difference. But your guess is as good as mine right now.

Tim. @TimArnot


No worries Tim, thanks anyway for your kind replies; Definitely nothing to do with PlanG; I can live with it. Probably fix itself one day.
Cheers  Dan