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Plan G trying to open "off screen"

Started by JDLinn, April 24, 2015, 01:34:25 AM

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Hi Tim .. in an old thread, you mentioned to use the "clearallsettings" feature. Where is that?  If it is in the options, i can't get to it because Plan G is trying to open off to the "left' of my screen somewhere.  Is there something in the cfg file to change?

Thank you


If I remember correctly the clearsettings.exe was for V2 only. Not included for V3 at all.
For what its worth, I took a look at the user.config ( settings file ) located at "C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3.exeHASHCODE\VERSION\user.config" and it does  have the entry for the main window location.

Modify just the values in these lines from user.config while Plan-G is closed, save the file then restart Plan-G. These are settings from the last time Plan-G was closed on my machine. Best bet is to change "MainWindowTop" & "MainWindowLeft" to zero. That should do it.

            <setting name="MainWindowTop" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="MainWindowLeft" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="MainWindowWidth" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="MainWindowHeight" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="MainWindowState" serializeAs="String">

Hope this helps.



X-Plane 11.25, Plan-G


C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Local\TA_Software\Plan-G3.exeHASHCODE\VERSION\user.config  doesn't exist for me ... probably the problem. I also tried the second "fix" ... it didn't work either. I'm just going to redownload Plan G and start over. Thank you for the replies.



The items in red (USER NAME, HASH CODE, VERSION) are "variables" and are different for each persons own installation.



Here is how you solve the problem.  You "open" it, and go down to the "tray" and right click on Plan G there, select "properties" and select open maximized.  It opens maximized, then you "minimize" it and change the size and everything is OK.


tim arnot

V2 kept its settings in the registry (it was a popular thing to do for a while, until people realised what a PITA it was) - so it needed a separate program to clear it out if things got mucked up. V3 uses a much simpler config file, but just like with the FSX.cfg, Windows chooses to put it in some obscure place. And it's a different place for everybody and every version, which is why you get the variables in the path name. But it's a text file, so it's easy to change, and if you screw it up, you can just delete it and Plan-G will build a new one. (plus there's one or two easter eggs in there for people that like to fiddle)

Tim. @TimArnot