
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

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KMZ Keyhole Marker Color

Started by Lonewolfee1, June 19, 2015, 09:26:38 PM

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Hi Tim.
          When I create maps in Google, I use colored keyhole markers to differentiate the maker of the scenery.  The KMZ files exported from the maps show the colored keyholes in Google Earth, but in Plan-G they all show as white.  Is there anything I can change to get the different colors to show?  Thanks.  Brandon

tim arnot

I'll look into it - sounds like P-G isn't picking up the colour from the file.

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Do you have a sample file I can use for testing - just to make life easier? :)

Tim. @TimArnot



Hey Tim.  Sent you another PM.  The KMZ file I sent before had only 1 color marker in it.  Sending you another with 3 different color keyholes in it. 


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot


You are awesome!!!  Thanks!  When will 3.1.3 be out?

tim arnot

When it's ready. ;) Mostly it's waiting on text corrections for the Spanish translation, but I'm fixing other stuff that gets reported while it waits.

Tim. @TimArnot


Understand.  Thanks for all your work.