Building X-Plane 10.42 Database with current data / airac cycle

Started by marvel_master, December 29, 2015, 04:09:16 PM

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i created with Plan-G 3.1.3 the X-Plane Database. Everything works fine.

But some fixpoints are not within Plan-G. I think, because they do not exist within in old/special X-Plane database, what is
the basis for creation of plan-G Database.

Example. I have not the fixpoint GUDOM in plan-g. But within x-plane, i can find the waypoint "Gudom" within the FMC/MCDU.
Maybe there exist two databases in X-plane?

Is there a way to import all Nav Points within plan-G ? I have NavDataPro with a current circle and updated the x-Plane FMC.

Thanks for help.


tim arnot

Does the NavDataPro data overwrite the original X-Plane data, or is it installed somewhere else? If it's somewhere else, you'll need to tell Plan-G where that is.

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes! New NavData  in  \X-Plane 10\Custom Data, original NavData in \X-Plane 10\Resources\default data.
But for Plan-G  me need rewrite original data, as  early.   

tim arnot

It should find it if it's inside the X-Plane folder tree. There may be some other reason it doesn't pick up the fix - probably worth looking at the log for errors.

Tim. @TimArnot


tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot



the solution for my problem is the following.

Navigraph updates the folder:
C:\X-Plane 10\Custom Data

Plan-G use the folder:
C:\X-Plane 10\Resources\default data

1. Create a Backup of the default Data folder
2. You have to copy the files from the Custom Data folder to the default data folder. (Do a backup before)
3. Generate the plan-g database (cost 5 to 10 minutes)
4. Restore the Backup to C:\X-Plane 10\Resources\default data

Now you have the actual data in plan-g
