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Losing AI

Started by ananda, February 16, 2017, 05:46:41 PM

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I have the refresh rate set at 1 seond and the number of AI displayed in the list varies each second. Traffic Toolbox lists 31 constantly.

Log attached.

tim arnot

Can you identify what aircraft are missing when it gives a lower count? What is TrafficTools' refresh rate?

Tim. @TimArnot


Because I cannot change the order of the traffic list in Plan-G, it is impossible to say which aircraft are missing.

The Traffic Tools refresh rate is also 1 second:

Unfortunately, this morning, Plan-G decided to play nicely  >:D

No missing aircraft, however, it did not recognise when FSX was terminated.

When it happens again, I will take more screenshots.



Here is a sequence of shots of the traffic list during an AI circuit:

I can't make head nor tail of the lists, however, when the number changes, the AI trail stops and restarts.


tim arnot

I'll see what I can figure out. I have paying work that needs to be turned in by Monday, so I won't get to it till next week, and it'll take a little while to crunch through all those charts.

Tim. @TimArnot


No problem Tim, sometimes it works perfectly.
