
Thou shalt confirm thine airspeed on final, lest the earth rise up and smite thee. (pre-landing checklist, v1)

Main Menu

All menus are inactive

Started by Bastan, November 30, 2018, 04:42:50 PM

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First sorry for my english..

I request some help because i finish a new networked installation, with P3DV4.4 on a computer and PlanG V3.2.1.151 on an other computer.

It's not the first time i play with a such config, and it always work correctly.

My problem is that on the new install of PlanG, all menus are inactive and gray except "generate database".
I show PlanG the way to P3D and Scenery, and it generate database, but menusremain grayed out

Could you explain me what is the solution ?

Thank's ;)


I answer myself.

You must install PlanG on the server computer (P3D), generate the database, and then copy the directory "Plan-G Files" created on the server PC into Documents, in the same place on the client PC. And there PlanG activates. Impec!