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accessing the Plan G .db files

Started by srm, September 18, 2020, 02:45:46 AM

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I've added a text-to-voice feature to my P3D flight sim and now would like to do the same for FS2020.  It reports waypoints and altitudes for each airport in the flight plan.  To do this with FS2020 I need an updated data base.
I read the info from a html file some generated years ago for FSX.

Is there anyway to get the information from your Plan-G .db files?

tim arnot

Any SQLite database reader can open them. One of the reasons for choosing this format is it's so well supported across multiple platforms.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thank you.  Obvious wasn't it.  Just that I haven't done any SQL before.  With the hint though, I was successful.
Thanks again.