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P3D scenery_add-ons.xml method

Started by PilotWim, November 03, 2020, 10:59:24 PM

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I'm using P3Dv3.4 and PlanGv3 (v
When building the P3D database, I noticed that it has processed only the sceneries that were present in scenery.cfg.

I do have a "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery_add-ons.xml" containing a few <AddOn.SceneryComponent> tags and <Path>s, but their navaids don't appear in PlanG. In P3D however, they do.
If I manually add the path to the "Additional Scenery Locations" and rebuild the database, the navaids do appear in PlanG.

The manual that's included with PlanG describes an older version that didn't have support for the scenery_add-ons.xml method yet.
So how is this "P3D scenery_add-ons.xml method" supposed to work? Manually adding every location seems to defeat the purpose of the xml.

Maybe I'm overlooking something. What can I do to troubleshoot?


tim arnot

Are you sure that's P3Dv3? I thought the add-ons.xml came in with v4. Fairly sure I don't check as far back as v3 for the xml, anyhow.

You can double check in the log file - it'll say "processing P3D XML addons" if it does.

Tim. @TimArnot



Yes, absolutely sure it's P3Dv3.4 (see attachment).

The add-on.xml functionality definitely came with P3Dv3. See (or directly

I couldn't find the line "processing P3D XML addons" in the log file.
I did however find this line: "OS is Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0", which seems very strange to me because I have Windows 10:

PS C:\> [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
10     0      19041  0

PS C:\> (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
PS C:\>


tim arnot

Ok, in that case it's definitely a bug. I'll add a fix to the next update.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks for the quick reply. I'm already looking forward to the next update!
