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User Waypoint Notes Data not showing?

Started by frankturley, January 02, 2021, 01:01:06 PM

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Once upon a time I created a csv file for the UK farm strips, which at the time allowed me to hover the mouse over a farm strip on the map, and it would display the data in the "Notes" column, in which I had put the runway numbers.
I tried it just now with my new version 4, and it doesn't seem to work any more. I have looked at the UserWpts3.sdf file, and I can see that my data has been correctly appended to this file.
Its been a long time since I used it, has something changed?

tim arnot

You mean UWpts4.db, yes? v4 doesn't use .sdf files.

Regardless, there shouldn't be a difference in behaviour, I'll look into it.

Tim. @TimArnot


I have chanced upon a clue which might help you solve this one.

I have checked, and found that I have similar details in the data files (NavDataFSX and UWpts4) for X2EG Eggesford and X2BS Binstead. They appear differently in the map display however. Both are marked with the usual circle with the bars at 3,6,9 and 12 o'clock, but Eggesford's circle appears on its own, but Binstead's bears the legend X2BS.

When I hover my mouse over Binstead I get -
X2BS Binstead
Elev: 154ft

When I hover my mouse over Eggesford I get -

So I am getting the desired runway information from the CSV file notes at Eggesford, but not at Binstead.

Does this help?


Another difference -
A right click at Binstead offers -
Start flight plan at airport X2BS / Show airport diagram / Edit User Waypoint / Delete user waypoint from database
Show radial / NDB range / QDM range and bearing / Display range rings / Hide extended centrelines
Lock info panel

A right click at Eggesford offers -
Edit User Waypoint / Delete user waypoint from database
QDM range and bearing / Display range rings / Hide extended centrelines
Lock info panel

I don't see any difference between the database entries for Binstead and Eggesford, yet Plan-G is somehow thinking they are different.  What else is Plan-G looking at?


Tried another experiment -
Using the right click, then Create User Waypoint, I created a user waypoint at Ryde, and this one correctly shows the notes when I hover the mouse over it.
Close by the airstrip at Binstead doesn't exhibit this behavoir.
I have taken a little screenshot of the map in this area, and the Binstead marker looks blacker and heavier than the Ryde waypoint, I guess whatever causes this is stopping the display of the notes at Binstead.
See the file AirstripMarkers.PNG

tim arnot

Is the Binstead airstrip an Addon airport? It looks like it - different icon, even though they are similar. So the data is different, coming from different databases. (you can't start a flight from a user waypoint...)

Tim. @TimArnot


When Gerry Winskill produced the UK Farm Strips he wanted to keep the existing ground undulations for the sake of realism, so his scenery just consisted of placed objects. Some of us wanted to do an airstrips tour, so I created a set of AFCADs, which were completely empty, but which enabled the farm strips to appear in the FSX airfield start options. When the Plan-G option to add waypoints arrived, I created a csv file of the UK Farm Strips, in which I added what would be the runway numbers in the notes. Thus when one approached an airstrip, hovering over the site on the map gave you the runway orientation, and thus helped establish the approach path. I think my original post attaching the CSV file was in 2008, and at that time it worked perfectly.
The only change I have made since has been to remove Gerry's wind socks, and replace them with SODE versions.
I am guessing that at some time during the evolution of Plan-G, the database creation routine changed to recognise, rather than ignore, the empty AFCADs. I will experiment by removing them and let you know what happens.


Yes - when I remove the AFCADs from my library the Farm Strips act like user waypoints - sadly they are anonymous in the map, could we add the ID to the display?


Sorry, found another problem.
Having removed the problem AFCAD files from the library, I created a csv file with the farm strip runway data, imported it into my User Waypoints and it works perfectly.
When Gerry created the farm strips he gave us some help to find them by putting a fictitious NDB at some of the farms. I thought that perhaps I could add these to my UWpts4.db using the edit function, but any changes I made didn't appear to stick. I looked up the Version 3 User Manual, and it says make the change, then press the OK button. I'm afraid I can't find this OK button. Where do I look?
I guess I could edit my CSV file notes column to add the NDB data, but I don't want to duplicate the data that is already there - would this get over-written with the update?

tim arnot

You can edit the data via the 'Edit User Waypoint' dialog - right click on the waypoint icon. Editing through the table list view has been broken for a long time (since before 3.2). It's on my to-do list, but it isn't an immediate priority.

The only field that doesn't currently get saved through the Edit dialog is Elevation, and that's a bug.

Tim. @TimArnot
