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Had to reset wireless router - can't connect to FSX now

Started by brettxw, February 26, 2010, 07:36:58 AM

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About 30 minutes ago our internet decided to drop (comcast - mistake right there). I had to reset the wireless router and the cable modem. Just got it back about 5 minutes ago and I loaded up Plan G and was able to access access the folder on the FSX pc from my laptop (where plan-g is installed) but when I went to connect, it would not connect. Says it timed out and I needed to check and make sure my settings were correct. So my question is, what happened and how do I fix it? I don't like flying with out Plan-G haha.

tim arnot

Rebooting your router probably assigned different IP addresses to your PCs. You will neeed to reset the connection data. Your router may be able to reserve addresses for specific PCs, so you won't have to rewrite the configs each time you reboot it. You'll need to see your router's documentation for how to do this.

Tim. @TimArnot


I got the new IP addresses of the computers. I changed the simconnect.xml to show the new IP address of the FSX PC and changed the locations inside the options of Plan-G and the IP for the FSX PC. I can access the FSX PC because I can load the flight plants but it wont let me connect. Suggestions?

tim arnot

Run IPConfig on the FSX PC (you need to open a CMD prompt on the PC, then type IPConfig in the CMD window)  to check you have typed the address in correctly. If it worked before, it should work again when the addresses are reset...

Tim. @TimArnot


Hey Tim,

I took a screen shot of the simconnect.xml and the ipconfig screen. Both on the FSX PC.

tim arnot

And the connection parameters in Plan-G, to complete the triangle?

Tim. @TimArnot


I apologize Tim, I will get them posted in about 5 minutes.


image added. This is on the laptop that I use with PLAN - G. I can load the flight plan but when connecting, it gives me the time out error.


Hi, Brett!

It looks like you have told your FSX PC to use Port 4506, then you told the Plan-G PC to use Port 4509.

FSX SP2, Windows 7, AMD FX-62, Nvidia GTX550ti


Unbelievable! That was it. I can't believe I did not see that. I am very sorry for my stupidity. Thank you for the help guys.