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Unable to execute Plan-G...

Started by Ebe32, October 06, 2009, 09:22:59 PM

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Good evening,

First, thank you yor your contribution with this pprogram which seems to be very nice!

But I have a big problem: it is unable for me to launch this program. When I click on the Plan-G application, nothing happens. Only in the "Plan-G_log", i read:

"22:18:48 Window1 constructor"

And nothing else.  :-[

I have windows XP and FSX acceleration.

What can i do?

Thank you.  :)

tim arnot

Have you got DotNet 3.5 Service Pack 1 installed? Just 3.5 on its own isn't enough - you need the service pack.

Tim. @TimArnot


Very sorry.... :-[

You are right. I was sure I had the netdot 3.5 v1...but no

It is running now! thank you Tim Arnot  :)

tim arnot

Tim. @TimArnot