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Heartfelt apologies

Started by peterjh, October 22, 2010, 06:09:39 PM

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Please accept my abject apologies for making a nuisance of myself last evening over my attempts to register, log on and insert a new name and password. It seemed that the website wouldn't even accept my email address after I had tried to register afresh. Then, pop, the user name and password I had started with was suddenly accepted and now I'm a kosher member! That was the easy part. Now I have to find how to get PLAN-G onto my FSX. Perhaps you could save me a pile of hassle and tell me which is the item among the great list of items when I am confronted with the great number of items. I don't know which one to double click on. Regards.

tim arnot

Plan-G.exe - it's the little yellow aeroplane.  ;)

I noticed you'd managed to log on...  :)

Tim. @TimArnot

Peter Hack

Dear sir, because you are a lot more intellectually advanced than wot I am on the subject of Plan-G I will not respond to your sarcasm as I'm the sort of bloke to ask the most idiotic stupid basic questions in my thirst for 'avin' my FSX showing me what its capable of.
Do you know if there's a list set out in tabulated form of the precise steps to get Plan-G onto my FSX anywhere on this site please?

Peter Hack

On my great list of files which begins DEM, WebIcons, BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.dll, Charts.dll I cannot see an icon of the plane.
Perhaps I've got the wrong page of files?

tim arnot

As I said above, it's Plan-G.exe. There was no sarcasm. When you view the folder, this file has the symbol of a yellow aeroplane.

The best thing to do is make a shortcut to it on your desktop (right-click the icon and select Send To Desktop). You can then run it from there.

Since this topic has become a support issue, it has been moved to the support forum.

Tim. @TimArnot