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Plan-G Application error

Started by rvc75, November 01, 2010, 05:53:49 PM

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I just downloaded Plan-G placed the folder in my C:\ drive and got the following error message:
"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled"

        Process ID=0x8c8 (2248), Thread ID=0x12cc (4812)

Not sure what all this means but is there something I am doing wrong?  Thanks you.

tim arnot

Did you install .Net 3.5 SP1 in accordance with the readme?

Tim. @TimArnot


Yes, .Net 3.5 SP1 is installed on my system.

tim arnot

Hmm. What is your OS? Is there a Plan-G logfile produced? What indication is there in the Windows Event Viewer?

Generally, the only thing that causes an immediate crash on startup is not having the correct .Net.

Tim. @TimArnot


I am using Windows XP Sp3 and yes there is a log file:

21:28:59 FS9 is installed
21:28:59 FSX is installed
21:28:59 FSX database is built
21:28:59 Selected data set is FSX
21:29:04 Starting map
21:29:05 Initialisation complete.

tim arnot

Ok, well that eliminates .Net. The next thing it's going to do is draw the map. Do you see the map appear before it crashes?

Tim. @TimArnot


I am receiving the error message when I try to load the program.  It has installed (at least it has a folder with all the files in it) but when I hit the Plan G.exe is when I get the error message.

tim arnot

So you don't even see the window open?

In the Plan-G folder, you'll find a file, google.html. Double click on it - you should see a google map open in your browser.

Do you have a firewall and antivirus installed? Could they be blocking Plan-G?

Tim. @TimArnot


No, the window does not open I just get the error message.  Yes, when I hit google.html I do get a map of the UK.  My firewall is turned off.