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Version 2 problems

Started by J van E, November 25, 2010, 06:26:16 PM

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J van E

On my computer (Windows 7 64 bit) I constantly get script errors: a message asks me if I want to continue the script or not. No matter what I do, that message pops up very frequently.

I also can't find runway information of the airports: shouldn't I be able to see somewhere what runways are at an airport...? The chart option shows nothing at all. I was hoping to be able to actually SEE the runway on the map (like you can see it on the GPS in FSX), but all I see is a dot and no information about runways. There is information about elevation, but I want to plan my flights in such a way that I end up in line with the landing runway.

(I wished there was an option to set a waypoint in front of any runway at a specified distance, so you are aligned well for approach! Maybe an idea for a future version? ;) Now I always have to find out the direction of a runway and manually place a waypoint in front of it, and that takes quite some time to do right.)

I love the KMZ option: great being able to instantly see where PNW ends! Love that. Will love it even more when NRM has been released. Nice that those KMZ's are there by default!!! Although I wished you could turn off specific things. I only need to see the boundaries, not every airport and what not that's in the kmz.

BTW These problems and my wishes do not mean I do not appreciate Plan-G...!!! It's incredible this program is released for free, because it absolutely is payware quality!

tim arnot

See the last entry in the FAQ for the solution to the script message.

Not quite sure what you mean by 'just a dot'? Could you  show a screenshot? There should be a whole raft of information about the airport in the info panel when you move the mouse over it...

Tim. @TimArnot


Sounds like the problem I'm having - this is a zoomed in view of PAKT:

I see in another thread that using "," for the decimal point is causing problems, so that's probably it (in my case at least).

J van E

1. Thanks for the mighty quick reply!!! :)

2. That fix from the FAQ worked like a charm. Sorry for not reading the FAQ before posting questions...

3. O, I am sorry, of course it's not 'just a dot', it IS the airport symbol, but I meant to say it's 'just' a little round thing and you can't actually see the runways on the map... So I need to know the heading of the runway so I can add a waypoint to the plan that leads me into the right heading. But as it is now, I can't see any headings of any runway. Here is a screenshot of what I get when I hover over an airport (I also already chose 'Show airport chart' here):

I get the name, the elevation and the MagVar (whatever that may be). But maybe there just isn't more info for small airports like this one...? (I usually fly from and to small airports.) Getting information about the heading of the runways seems basic info to me.  ;)

@trisager: I did see similar little dots in Plan-G once or twice, but in a row. On my screenshot there is nothing it all there. I just set my Windows to use . instead of , but that didn't help. So if I understand it well, you should be able to see the runways there...? In that case my problem is already known, so it seems, and I'll have to wait for a fix.

I noticed I do get more information at larger airports (radios etc.), so I guess indeed right now my only problem is that the airport chart doesn't work. I guess that as soon as that is working, I will have all the information I need! (Then all that's left is the automatic fix in front of runways...  :P )


QuoteI also can't find runway information of the airports: shouldn't I be able to see somewhere what runways are at an airport...? The chart option shows nothing at all. I was hoping to be able to actually SEE the runway on the map (like you can see it on the GPS in FSX), but all I see is a dot and no information about runways. There is information about elevation, but I want to plan my flights in such a way that I end up in line with the landing runway.

If you right click the airfield and select 'Show Airport Chart' a small runway chart appears on the Aerodrome tab on the right showing 07 -25.  As its only a grass strip so there is not much detail.

Quote(I wished there was an option to set a waypoint in front of any runway at a specified distance, so you are aligned well for approach! Maybe an idea for a future version?  Now I always have to find out the direction of a runway and manually place a waypoint in front of it, and that takes quite some time to do right.)

Create a basic flight plan from the airfield to your destination, then click the 'Edit Plan' icon at the top of the page.  The line of your flight plan then has a small square halfway between two of the waypoints.  You can select Satellite view to see the actual airfield and just drag that square to where you want it inline with the runway.  If you need it nearer or further away from the runway then drag it again and check the distance in the flight plan window on the right of the screen.
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / i7-3770K @ 4.40 Ghz / 8 GB Ram / Nvidia GTX 680 2 GB / FSX

J van E

Quote from: GAJ52 on November 25, 2010, 08:29:05 PM
If you right click the airfield and select 'Show Airport Chart' a small runway chart appears on the Aerodrome tab on the right showing 07 -25.  As its only a grass strip so there is not much detail.

I know, but this doesn't work on my computer. Apparently this is a known bug by now.

QuoteCreate a basic flight plan from the airfield to your destination, then click the 'Edit Plan' icon at the top of the page.  The line of your flight plan then has a small square halfway between two of the waypoints.  You can select Satellite view to see the actual airfield and just drag that square to where you want it inline with the runway.  If you need it nearer or further away from the runway then drag it again and check the distance in the flight plan window on the right of the screen.

Thanks, but that's how I do it already (also with the previous version of Plan-G, but it's been quite some time since I used it), but it isn't very convenient.  ;) It takes a lot of zooming in and out to get it a bit right: you have to zoom in completely in order to see the runway well enough and you have to zoom out a lot in orde to drag the line. But I understand this is all beyond the scope of Plan-G and not a 'problem'! The real problem are my bad piloting and navigating skills.  :P

BTW Thanks for the quick reply and tips: I really appreciate the quick support for this freeware!!! :) A lot of payware devs could learn a lot from you guys...!

tim arnot

If you're not seeing the runways in the AD window, it's likely you won't see it anywhere else, because the information is not in the database (from the comma failure). There will be a fix soon.

Tim. @TimArnot