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Google Earth

Started by Bruceb, November 26, 2010, 12:38:19 PM

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When connected to FSX I don't seem to get my aircraft displayed as you do on the other map types.  Flight plan is there but no aircraft icon.


tim arnot

You can toggle it on & off with F6. Or go to Options->User Aircraft.

Tim. @TimArnot


That works with the other map types but not Google Earth.



Bump on this one as no replies for a couple of days.  Can anyone suggest why F6 doesn't work with Google Earth?  In fact the only overlay features that do display on Google Earth on my PC are airspace boundaries and flight plan tracks (but no waypoints).  All the map overlays and the F6 toggle work on the other display types but not with Google Earth.   Now, I know I can get a very similar display as Google Earth with Satellite but Google Earth displays a round globe that I much prefer for longer flights over 600 miles or so when the difference between a rhumb line and Great Circle track  becomes significant.  A round Earth is how FSNavigator displays its map and it is disappointing that the developers of flightplanners for FSX don't seem to see this as an important feature to support -  particularly the payware ones (however I still greatly appreciate the efforts of the developers for freeware apps such as Plan-G).


Joe M

Tim was away. I believe he will be back on Sunday. Be patient. He will answer you when he returns.


tim arnot

This is a limitation to the Google Earth plugin for Google Maps. If google adds support for icon overlays to their interface, then it will appear in Plan-G. Unfortunately, where we are reliant on third parties with their own agendas, there's not much we can do.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks. But if I understood the manual correctly I should be able to see my FS aircraft when connected to FSX and it is this that doesn't seem to display or toggle on and off with the F6 key on my PC.


tim arnot

Yes, for the standard map views. The Google Earth view is an extra external plugin, which has limited functionality, beyond my control.

Tim. @TimArnot


Sorry to drag out this thread but to be crystal clear are you now saying that a moving FS aircraft isn't displayed in the Plan-G Google earth view?  This is important to me as I have been comparing Plan-G to a well known payware product that seems to offer very little over what is available in Plan-G and in some respects is inferior (eg can't import FS flight plans and inferior standard map views) but it does offer a Google Earth view with a flight plan track including waypoints and a moving aircraft.
