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Can't see MP icons (FSX)

Started by Sam2299, November 30, 2010, 07:42:41 PM

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Hi Tim

Three items:
a. On free flight mode can see AI a/c icons (red) moving on the map and myself (yellow), but in       multiplayer mode, can't see other player icons, besides MP server icon and myself.

b. Is it possible to have fligt parameters (callsign, speed, altitude, a/c type ect.) attached to a/c icon, like on FS Commander.?

c.  On Plan-G screen the functions on the upper right corner  (-, x, ect.) are disabled.


tim arnot

a. What multiplayer system? What sim?

b. Not at the moment. Some details are provided in the traffic list, but the information available depends on what is passed through by the MP client.

c. Eh? Are you referring to the Minimise/Maximise & Close buttons? These are standard functions and are never disabled.

Tim. @TimArnot


Thanks Tim

a. What multiplayer system? What sim?
Sim- FSX
Direct connecting to MP server (what you mean by "mp system?)

c. Eh? Are you referring to the Minimise/Maximise & Close buttons? These are standard functions and are never disabled.
Can't click on any of Minimise/Maximise & Close buttons.


tim arnot

Quote from: Sam2299 on December 01, 2010, 09:47:26 AM
Thanks Tim

a. What multiplayer system? What sim?
Sim- FSX
Direct connecting to MP server (what you mean by "mp system?)

e.g GameSpy, FSHost, Vatsim etc...

Quotec. Eh? Are you referring to the Minimise/Maximise & Close buttons? These are standard functions and are never disabled.
Can't click on any of Minimise/Maximise & Close buttons.
What, never? What happens before you connect to FS? Do they work for a while then stop? Do they change as you move the mouse over them?

Tim. @TimArnot



Connecting MP via Gamespy.
Only myself and MP server can be seen, other player (in range) not.
See the attached pic.

About the right upper knobs, they are not effected before connected or after connected to FSX.
When I click on the whole apper blue strip (along the screen) screen is changed to max and vice versa.


tim arnot

Are you connected to FSX by Simconnect or FSUIPC?
Please show me your Options Traffic settings. I notice the one traffic aircraft that displays is stationary. This may be significant.

Tim. @TimArnot


Default connection (FSX setup), FSUIPC is installed (appears at the add-on tab).

The one (red) a/c displays is the MP server (host).

See attached my Traffic setting.

Any conclusions regarding upper right knobs issue?

tim arnot

Ok, I think the problem is with the trail. Turn off the breadcrumb trail for traffic, and the aircraft should appear. I'll have a proper fix in the next update.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim
Good news
Uninstalled the program, clean registry, then reinstall.
Icons (red) of MP a/c as well as AI a/c shows on the map as it should.
(your suggestion [turn off the breadcrumb trail] didn't work).
Problem remains - the upper right knobs issue.
Suggestion remains - to add flight parameter to each a/c icon.

Another thing to inform you - the program crashes frequently.

Above all this  - Excellent pilot assistant, well done Tim.

tim arnot

Where did you install Plan-G? What is your OS? Do you have admin rights? About the only reason I can think of that you wouldn't have these icons active is some bizarre permissions issue - these really are just standard Windows buttons; there is no functionality to them that is specific to Plan-G.

the program crashes frequently.
You need to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "crashes"? What do you mean by "frequently"? What did you do to prompt the crash? What was the error message? What does the log say?

As regards "flight parameters" just hover the mouse over the plane - the information is there.

Tim. @TimArnot


Plan-G installed on drive D.
My OS - XP 32 bit (4 Gb ram), proces - Q8200  @ 2.33 Ghz.
I run my PC as administrator.
Program crashed (shut off) unexpected while connected to FSX, can happend every 10-15 min.
When crached, just re open the program again.
See attached the error signatur , and the Log file.
(how can I print or copy the error detail),
Flight parameters not shown by hovering the mouse, have to click on the plan and wait to appear.

tim arnot

Does it only crash if you're connected to FSX? If so, can you try turning off user aircraft, traffic etc and see if it makes a difference?

Tim. @TimArnot


Crashes persist both with/witout user/trafic a/c.
More thing, a popup message appears on the Map says (translation) :" Stop active this script file (yes/no)? This script file makes Internet Explorer operate slowly and might cause your PC stop responding"
Answer "yes" or "no" not stoping the popup apear again and again.   
see attached message (Hebrew)

It seems that connecting FSX via FSUIPC avoid crashes, and makes map zooming /moving responds better. (need more experience to confirm).

tim arnot

See the FAQ (and the manual) for how to deal with the slow script alert.

Tim. @TimArnot


Hi Tim
G-Plan works fine.
Some comments:
Hovering mouse over a/c icon doesn't produce ID and flight details.
(Flying in MP gruop requires on-map individual a/c details).

Solution to non-active right upper knobs is required.

Map after zooming recovers slowly (sometimes not fully recover and details are missing).
