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Plan-G needs registered FSUIPC for FS9

Started by henedu, December 06, 2010, 06:16:03 PM

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I have installed Plan-G v2.0.1.474 and like to use it with FS9 and FSX under W7 Ultimate 32bits.
All went well, incl. building databases. Connecting with FSX gives no problem at all.
But connecting to FS9 gives a message that a registered FSUIPC is needed (i have v3.93 not registered). Connect options are auto, ipv4, localhost, 0 and FSUIPC. Of course i am running plan-g as administrator with all users have all privileges.
Please advise me ?

plan-g log: 18:43:46.1 Error calling FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   bij FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   bij FS.FSUIPC.RequestAircraftTelemetry(Boolean includePositionReport)
18:43:47.1 Error calling AITrafficServices.Override?TrafficINISettings: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   bij FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   bij FSUIPC.AITrafficServices.OverrideGroundTrafficINISettings(Nullable`1 ATCId, Nullable`1 PreferActive, Nullable`1 RangeInAirInNM, Nullable`1 RangeOnGroundInNM)
   bij FS.FSUIPC.RequestAIAircraftList2(UInt32 radius, Boolean includeStationary, Boolean includeMoving)
18:43:48.2 Error calling FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG. Error sending message to FSUIPC.
   bij FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(String GroupName)
   bij FS.FSUIPC.RequestAircraftTelemetry(Boolean includePositionReport)
18:43:48.2 RibbonButton_Click_DisconnectFS
18:43:48.2 FSUIPC.Disconnect



Comfirmed, Widefs/Fsuipc registered are needed to connect PlanG with FS2004 in LAN because Widefs is not free, but no needed register version to connect FS/PlanG on same computer.

See page 95 in PlanG Manual.

GĂ©rard Bernard


thx....but i am on 1 computer only, i do not use widefs...and stiil plan-g ask for registered fsuipc; can anyone advise me how to get fs2004 connected ?

tim arnot

Are you also running FS9 as Administrator?

The problem is definitely one of insufficient permissions. You could also try moving your Plan-G installation away from Program Files.

Tim. @TimArnot


yep...i have anticipated to that, so i installed plan-g on drive J:\ while fs9 is installed on C:\, although on the same fysical harddisk.
Both fs9 and plan-g runs with administrator right, while all sort of available user accounts have given all security permissions;
i also tried with both programs in XP-SP3 mode and UAC switched off. Nothing helps.
Even tried to run plan-g while not connected to the internet, but then plan-g will not run, it needs an active internet connection. Personally i find that strange.
The comp is connected to a homenetwork in which is a second desktop, which is not switched on.
So, i cannot think of anymore adaptions.....who does ???


FSUIPC Error #12: FSUIPC_ERR_SENDMSG occurs when either FS9 is being run as Administrator and Plan-G isn't. OR Plan-G is being run as Adminidtrator and FS9 isn't.

You need either to run BOTH as Administrator, or NEITHER. You cannot have one and one.


i have done all that before ....
anyhow, i have deleted all the excistinf fsuipc-files, downloaded v3.98 and installed it.
what do you think ? ..... problem solved...... !!!
my plan-g works perfect now for fs9 ... !!
thanks everybody for your help !!