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[Resolved] Can't connect to FSX with on Win 7 x64

Started by ou81aswell, December 08, 2010, 03:16:24 PM

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Just installed FSX Deluxe and PlanG on a new Win 7 x64 laptop.

Installed PlanG to C:\Utils\PlanG

Saved and restored my PlanG Data directory.

PlanG loads but will not connect to FSX. I'm using PlanG's default FS connection settings.

Here's the relevent log entries:

09:54:43.4 RibbonButton_Click_ConnectFS
09:54:43.4 SimConnect.Connect
09:54:43.4 SimConnect.Connect - Remote. Mode = IPv4 Server = localhost Port = 0
09:54:43.4 SimConnect Connect failed: BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect+SimConnectException: Open: iPort value is invalid
   at BeatlesBlog.SimConnect.SimConnect.Open(String strAppName, String strHostName, Int32 iPort, Boolean bIsIPV6)
   at FS._SimConnect.Connect()
09:54:43.4 FSUIPC.Connect
09:54:44.0 Error opening FSUIPC: FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #14: FSUIPC_ERR_RUNNING. FSUIPC is not running.
   at FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(FlightSim RequiredFlightSimVersion)
   at FS.FSUIPC.Connect()



tim arnot

Plan-G requires SP2 to make a Simconnect connection. If you don't have SP2 or Acceleration, you will need to use FSUIPC.

Tim. @TimArnot


Installing the acceleration pack did the trick. I wasn't paying close enough attention when I installed FSX Gold... I forgot about the Acceleration pack.

I wonder if it would be useful for Plan-G to detect that SP2 or Acceleration are missing and display a warning when trying to connect to FS.